Year: 2010 Page 1 of 8

Sermon: Overcoming Challenges to achieve the Goals of Year 2011

New Year Sermon 2011: Overcoming challenges to achieve the goals of the new year


Joshua chapter 3 tells us that Joshua along with the nation of Israel crossed the flood-swollen river of Jordan. These people had one major goal in their minds. To capture the city of Jericho (a militarily important target) which will prepare the way to conquer the promised land. There was a challenge, however. The current of the Jordan is very swift at Jericho. Besides, it was the harvest season and the melting snow in the Lebanon mountains caused the river to overflow.

Sermon: Core Truths about Spiritual Strongholds

Sermon: All about Spiritual Strongholds.


Walter Patrick Bissell (1 December 1957 – 29 December 1987) was an American Ballet Dancer who was known for his brilliant performance. He was a fine Athlete also. He happened to die at a very young age from a Cocaine overdose. Are drugs to be blamed for the untimely death of this brilliant individual? The truth is much sinister and deeper.

Sermon: The Unspeakable Genealogy of Jesus


Alex Haley became a household word and an instant millionaire when he wrote a book tracing his ancestry back to his “Roots: The Saga of an American Family.” Most of us have some interest in our genealogy because somehow it connects us to our ancestors. Most of us also find some ancestors we would rather not be identified with. Jesus had such ancestors, but he chose to identify himself with them, (Matthew 1:1-17). I would like for us to look at several of them today. [A sermon by Dr. Arnold Lastinger. Used with permission.]

Christmas Sermon 2010: The Bethlehem’s Baby and the Divine Design

Christmas sermon 2010: The Bethlehem’s baby and the divine design


Bethlehem today is a thriving town, inhabited mostly by Christian Arabs (in name if not in fact). But, in the time of Christ, it was a tiny, insignificant town, known only for the fact that it had once been King David’s hometown. How was it that Jesus Christ, Son of God and King of the Universe would choose to be born here in a lowly cow stall?

Sermon: Peter and the Miraculous catch of Fish

Sermon: Peter and the miraculous catch of fish


All of us face problems in this lifetime. Most of them are issues we can control. But sometimes we face ones that are beyond our control. Two thousand years ago a fisherman called Peter had such a problem too. One night Peter and his friends tried every tool and trick of the trade – but didn’t catch a single fish. The next morning he met Jesus who seemed to control even mother nature. Peter followed his instructions and caught a great load of fish in the broad daylight.

Sermon Notes: Jesus’ sayings about Children

Painting of a little girl wearing a pink-colored hat.


The phrase “Please, sir, I want some more?” in Oliver Twist, the classic by Charles Dickens perhaps is a timeless saying that sums up the sufferings children of all times must endure in a sinful world. We learn from world history that the medieval ages and the biblical times were not the best periods for children. Especially in Jesus’ time, children were an insignificant and unimportant group. They were to be seen but not heard. They were more of a burden than a blessing. They were properties and less human. That makes Jesus’ sayings about children of utmost importance and deserves our undivided attention as we celebrate Universal Children’s Day. In the New Testament, we find at least four sayings of Jesus about children themselves or sayings linked to children. I want to draw your attention to some of these sayings today.

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