Tag: Elijah

Sermon: What to do when God is Silent?

White color empty speech bubble in a pink colored background.


Elijah had been used by God to hold back rain from the land for over 3 years, because of their sins. He became a man on the run because of this and we can only imagine the stress he experienced during those years. There’s one statement in the Bible that seems to further complicate Elijah’s situation. Consider this. “After a long time, in the third year, the word of the LORD came to Elijah: “Go and present yourself to Ahab, and I will send rain on the land.”

Sermon Notes: Praying for Divine Healing

Sermon Notes: Praying for Divine Healing


Sickness is among the many circumstances in life where prayer is needed, and concerning such prayer James the apostle gives detailed instructions. Today’s sermon is an exegetical study of these. Follow me to see what valuable lessons we can learn about prayer and divine healing.

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