Sermon Notes: Lessons on the Gifts of the Spirit

A stack of gift boxes wrapped in blue paper and ribbons.


The famous song “Nobody’s Perfect” by Miley Cyrus says “Everybody makes mistakes & everybody has those days.” She is right. None of us are perfect. All of us are prone to error and mistakes. The church in Corinth was not an exception. From our studies on the Corinthian Epistles so far, we know our friends in Corinth had some serious issues that needed resolving. One of the issues was divisions rooted deep in the lack of a biblically grounded understanding of the spiritual gifts. Paul addressed this issue in-depth in 1 Corinthians chapter 12 on which this sermon is based.

Sermon: Lessons from the Paralytic of Capernaum

Grayscale photo of a wheelchair in a room.


Paralytics were very common in biblical times. Medical support was not available for such disabled people and their only hope was divine intervention. This passage tells about a paralytic and the story deals with three principles for having an encounter with God.

Sermon Notes: The Gospel and its Supernatural Power

Sermon Notes: The Supernatural Power in the Gospel of Jesus Christ


Research indicates that 80% of evangelicals in the US know they are called to evangelize, but 61% have admitted to not having a spiritual conversation with anyone for the past six months. Although church leaders often introduce fresh methods to solve the problem, actually our hesitation to evangelize rests on our unawareness of the supernatural power of the gospel.

Sermon: The Gain of the World and the Loss of the Soul

Person in a Beige top on a Mountain Cliff.


We should be careful to note the two things here contrasted. It does not necessarily mean the gaining of the present and the loss of the future, for those who lose the future do not necessarily get the most out of the present. Nor does it mean that in order to gain the future we must lose the present – for those who gain the future really get the best out of this life too. [Taken from How to Prepare Sermons by William Evans]

Sermon Notes: Why Positive Attitudes matter in Life and Ministry?

Photo of a woman holding an umbrella decorated with Lights


Two Prisoners looked out from their Prison Cell one night. One saw mud while the other saw stars. Both were in the same cell. Both were Prisoners. Both looked out at the same time. [Source: Marilyn Welch | Medium] What made the difference? Their attitudes. One who saw the stars had a positive attitude. The one who saw mud had a negative attitude. The story is a classic example of the vast degree of the difference our attitudes can make in our circumstances. 

Sermon: A Contemporary Look at the Second Coming of Christ – Part 2

This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series Second Coming of Jesus Sermon Series
A photo of the Sun hidden behind a cluster of clouds formed over a line of trees.


As I mentioned in my previous sermon also the four cardinal doctrines of the Assemblies of God are Salvation, Divine Healing, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, and the Second Coming of Christ. Erroneous date-setters have inhibited many Pastors from preaching on this subject lest they are grouped with those fanatics. But, he is still coming! The recent worldwide revival plays into this picture; it is one of the signs of the imminent return of Christ. But there are many others, equally significant. In the next few weeks, we will examine several. [A sermon by Dr. Arnold Lastinger. Used with permission]

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