Category: Sermon Manuscripts Page 4 of 15

Full-length Sermon Manuscripts with illustrations.

Sermon Notes: Jesus appears to seven Disciples

Jesus the Savior


Motivation is a very powerful virtue. When studying the life of successful people it becomes evident they were able to overcome failure and be successful because of motivation.

Consider Colonel Harland Sanders. The early years of his life were filled with failure you might think he was cursed. But his life was driven by one simple belief that motivated him to keep trying. ‘It’s never too late to pursue your dreams.’ Today he is known as the founder of the highly successful fast food restaurant chain ‘Kentucky Fried Chicken’ better known as KFC.

Sermon Notes: Lessons from Eli the Priest

Painting of a sad looking Old Man


It’s Father’s Day once again and I want to consider the life of Eli for my sermon. Here’s why? In the Bible 1 Samuel 4:21-22 perhaps records the saddest words we will ever get to read. ‘Israel’s Glory is Gone!’ (NLT) These last words of a dying woman were a precise description of the plight of an entire nation. As tragic as it is, the word of God shows this was a disaster that could have been prevented if not for a man who failed as a father. Eli was the name of that man.

Sermon Notes: Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, and the Fiery Furnace

A photo of a person holding a burning match.


I’ve been picking my brain over a title for this message for quite some time, but I couldn’t think of anything better than the names of our heroes themselves. Hananiah, which means “Yah is gracious”; Mishael, which means “Who is what God is”; and Azariah, which means “Yah has helped.” Better known by their Babylonian names Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Daniel (God is my judge) after whom the book is named was known in the Babylonian empire as Belteshazzar. The prophet Daniel recorded three powerful miracles he and his three friends experienced while they lived in exile in Babylonia.

Sermon Notes: Answers to Questions about Resurrection

Low angle view of the cross with reg garment.


An atheist, offended by the fact both Jews and Christians in America have many religious holidays but atheists themselves have none challenged the tradition in courts. The Judge, however, dismissed the case. ‘Atheists’ he said, after listening to the long, passionate presentation by the man’s lawyers, ‘do have a holiday already’. According to Psalm 14:1 & 53:1, it’s the first day of April!

Sermon Notes: Four Responses to Jesus on Good Friday

Crown of thorns glowing in the dark.


The late Rev. Billy Graham once said, “We all talk about the sacrifice that Jesus made for us. But we seldom talk about the sacrifice he expects from us!” Of course, Pastor Billy wasn’t implying we shouldn’t remember the price Jesus paid in exchange for our redemption. He was saying mere head knowledge of Jesus’ sufferings is useless unless we do something with it because knowledge demands a response. The Bible says,

Sermon notes: The necessity for Faith and Works in the Salvation of Man

Sermon notes: The necessity for faith and works in the salvation of Man


I have been preaching God’s word for the past 20 years. However, I believe the sermon you are going to hear from me today is the most important sermon I will preach ever. I tell you so because it concerns the eternal salvation of our precious soul. It’s based on a question many Christians seem to struggle with. Is faith alone sufficient to be saved or should faith be accompanied by works?

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