Tag: Call

How to give a Powerful Altar Call?

Photo of a person laying hands on a woman and praying for her.

In most churches, the altar call is considered a crucial moment. It is an appropriate ending to a powerful message because the altar call provides the congregation with an opportunity to immediately respond to what they have just heard. It doesn’t matter how powerful your sermon was unless you did justice to it with a convincing altar call. After all, that altar call of a few minutes can be the difference between life and death, and heaven and hell for somebody seated in the congregation. Therefore in today’s post let us find out how to do it in the most effective way.

Sermon notes: God calls Abraham

Sermon outline: God calls Abraham


In the Bible, God used many men and women to carry out his plan to bless all the people of the earth. Followed by Noah, Abraham is the second person in the Bible whom God called forward to serve him. What can we learn from the life of Abraham today?

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