Sermon Notes: Christ’s Supremacy over Religious Pluralism

People raise their hands in worship of God.


In simple layman’s terms, religious pluralism upholds the belief that the teachings of Jesus provide but one of many ways to God. They openly deny Christ’s superiority as the one and only redeemer of mankind. It’s utter falsehood second only to the lie the devil told Eve in the garden of Eden. Unfortunately, the line between truth and falsehood is so fine we can’t discern the difference unless we scrutinize everything under the microscope of God’s word. Tonight, I will help you do just that. We will look at three truths from the book of Hebrews 1:1-13 that affirms Christ’s superiority over religious pluralism.

Sermon: Why the Pentecostal Movement Exploded?

A phot of a white color Dove in flight


In a New Year’s Eve watch night service on December 31, 1900, a group of 40 Bible school students gathered in Topeka, Kansas to pray for God to fill them with the Holy Spirit as He did in the book of Acts. Dissatisfied with the powerless Christianity they had seen, they had concluded that there was no reason that God would not fill believers today in the same way He had done in the first century.

Questions & Answers on Spiritual Backsliding

Man walking on the road holding black luggage during the sunset.

The name Charles Bradley Templeton (1915-2001) might not ring a bell to some of us but all of us are familiar with the International Christian Movement known as “Youth for Christ.” Templeton was its co-founder with Dr. Billy Graham. According to The Christian Post–in the year 1957,  after a struggle with doubts, Templeton rejected Christianity and became an atheist. He later authored the book “A Farewell to God”

Backsliding or falling away is one of Satan’s most effective weapons against us. The Bible doesn’t always use the precise term but it has several examples such as King Saul, King Solomon in the Old Testament, The Parable of the Prodigal Son, and The Parable of the Sower and man by the name Demus in the New Testament. In this Q & A I will answer six questions often asked about backsliding.

Spiritual Gifts: A list of those specifically mentioned or indicated in the Holy Bible

A beige color gift box tied with a blue and white ribbon set against a beige color background.

While spiritual fruit is for our personal edification spiritual gifts are for the edification of the body of Christ or the Church. This list is in alphabetical order and as inclusive and extensive as possible because we want to help you find at least one area of giftedness with which you can serve in your church. Please feel free to leave a comment if you have anything to add that we may have missed. [Taken from “Shared Life” Study Series by Lutheran Hour Ministries]

Sermon Notes: The Parable of the Rich Fool

A person holding a cover labeled "Stock Market"


I’m reminded of a story every time I preach from the Parable of the Rich Fool. A certain ungodly tavern keeper who liked music decided to attend one of John Wesley’s meetings to hear the singing. He had resolved, however, not to listen to the sermon. He sat with his head down and fingers in his ears. But when God wants to speak to a man’s soul, He has His ways. A Fly flew on the man’s nose and when he attempted to drive it away, he heard nine words that changed his life. He heard Mr. Wesley say, “He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.” From that moment he had no rest in his soul. He returned the next night, listened intently, and was converted.

Sermon: Why should I believe the Bible?

A photo of a young man holding a bible.


This message is among the 10 most important messages I have ever preached; yet, I do not recall ever having preached this. I have relegated it to the classroom and lecture hall, but I have never elevated it to the pulpit.

Yet, I believe this truth needs to be trumpeted from the highest housetop to everyone who will hear. Some here do not actually believe that the Bible is flawless and that it is God’s revelation of Himself to us. [A sermon by Dr. Arnold Lastinger. Used with permission]

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