The God of Small Things (1997) the debut novel by Arundhati Roy the Indian author, is a prime example of how small things in life affect people’s behavior and lives. The book won the Booker Prize in 1997.
Likewise, the account of God’s appearance to Moses through a burning bush in the wilderness, proves that small and insignificant things we experience actually affect our Christian life and faith in ways unimaginable. This incident transformed the life of Moses and the destiny of God’s people forever. In today’s sermon, let’s consider three lessons we can learn from the burning bush.
1. The burning bush calls to pay attention to small Things
A. Burning bushes were a common sight in the wilderness and Moses must have seen hundreds of them before.
B. He could have not seen that the bush wasn’t burning though it was in flames unless he had paid close attention
C. Someone said, “In everything that happens in life, I ask “God what’s your purpose behind this incident?”
2. The burning bush shows Small things are objects of Test
A. God wanted to see how sensitive Moses was toward the insignificant things of life before he trusted him with a greater mission.
B. God’s work is sophisticated. His tasks require discernment, wisdom, and patience.
C. Therefore No one can fulfill greater tasks of God if they are not sensitive to smaller things.
3. The burning bush shows God uses small things for His Glory
A. It was just an insignificant common bush. The Bible doesn’t even identify its name.
B. Why did God choose a bush instead of a tree? (In Sri Lankan folklore it’s believed that gigantic trees are dwelling places of deities)
C. He doesn’t choose the swollen-headed people puffed up with knowledge. He calls only the humble and the meek.
D. God turned this unimportant bush into a historical object of his manifestation to Moses.
Application and Conclusion
I am sure no preacher or a Bible teacher has not spoken about Moses. But I am sure there are many out there who have never spoken about the burning bush. In this sermon, I brought 3 main truths about the burning bush right to your attention. In conclusion, I want to show you how do these truths apply to our walk with God.
1. Paying attention to small Things
A. Illustration: Dr. David Yonggi Cho and the small girl. Never ignore the value of small things in times of trouble and need.
B. Moses found the miracle in a burning bush, not in a burning Almond tree. Likewise, God is still using small things to accomplish great purposes including miraculous deliverance.
C. Next time you see a burning bush in your own life don’t be afraid to question the purpose behind it.
2. Identify the test behind the small Things
A. The parable of the talents: “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things. Come and share your master’s happiness” (Matthew 25:14-30)
B. Sunday school teachers! How much attention do you pay to those small children God has entrusted to you?
C. This is true both in Bible and in the secular world. Only those who are faithful in small things are promoted to great positions.
3. Remember that God uses small Things
A. Size doesn’t matter but obedience matters. What matters is not how capable you are but how obedient you are.
B. The world would never know of a Cho and billions of souls would be lost if it wasn’t for a small girl who obeyed God and shared the gospel with Dr. Cho. Nobody even knows her name. Dr. Cho never saw her again in his life.
C. You could be the most insignificant, uneducated person in this church. Yet, God will use you in your area of gift as long as you obey his calling.
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