Tag: Preaching

The Importance of Preparation in Preaching Ministry: Part 3

This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series The Importance of Preparation in the Ministry of Preaching
Why preparation is important for a Preacher? ~ Part 3 (Final)

Someone said for each minute you spend behind the pulpit, spend one hour in preparation. One of the top responsibilities of a Pastor is to faithfully preach the whole counsel of God’s word, carefully explaining the meaning of the text and applying it to the lives of those under his care. As Pastors, we should treat the task of preaching as a sacred responsibility and give our best to prepare and preach a sermon. God expects us to be faithful stewards of His precious Word. How can we claim to be faithful stewards if we don’t even allocate time to prepare. In the past 24 years of ministry, I have met Pastors who walk into the pulpit without preparation, preach rubbish, and then give excuses to defend poor preparation. Do it enough times and then you will have a taste of the following.

The Importance of Preparation in Preaching Ministry: Part 2

This entry is part 2 of 3 in the series The Importance of Preparation in the Ministry of Preaching
Black and White Photograph of a Preacher.

Someone said for each minute you spend behind the pulpit, spend one hour in preparation. One of the top responsibilities of a Pastor is to faithfully preach the whole counsel of God’s word, carefully explaining the meaning of the text and applying it to the lives of those under his care. As Pastors, we should treat the task of preaching as a sacred responsibility and give our best to prepare and preach a sermon. God expects us to be faithful stewards of His precious Word. How can we claim to be faithful stewards if we don’t even allocate time to prepare. In the past 24 years of ministry, I have met Pastors who walk into the pulpit without preparation, preach rubbish, and then give excuses to defend poor preparation. Given below are eight examples of such excuses. Are you guilty of these excuses today?

The Importance of Preparation in Preaching Ministry: Part 1

This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series The Importance of Preparation in the Ministry of Preaching
A man reading the bible and taking notes while drinking tea.

Someone said for each minute you spend behind the pulpit, spend one hour in preparation. One of the top responsibilities of a Pastor is to faithfully preach the whole counsel of God’s word, carefully explaining the meaning of the text and applying it to the lives of those under his care. As Pastors, we should treat the task of preaching as a sacred responsibility and give our best to prepare and preach a sermon. God expects us to be faithful stewards of His precious Word. How can we claim to be faithful stewards if we don’t even allocate time to prepare. In the past 24 years of ministry, I have met Pastors who walk into the pulpit without preparation and then preach rubbish. Given below are three benefits of prior preparation in preaching ministry.

10 Qualities of an Effective Preacher

Graphic of a burning microphone session.

Pastors today are asking, what are the qualities of a ‘real preacher’? Actually, the question should be ‘what are the qualities of an effective preacher?’ So let me share with you today, the 10 qualities that transform an ordinary speaker into an effective preacher. BTW: I know I have stressed the importance of the ministry of preaching many times before but the ministry itself is so important I cannot stress it enough. [Image Credit: RAWKU5]

How to Prepare and Present Your Sermon Effectively?

Photo of a young man preaching in the street.

Preaching God’s Word may be, is the greatest privilege we have as men of God and sons and daughters of man. It’s one of the primary reasons why preparation is crucial if you are a preacher. I covered this in great length in a previous post. Today, I want to introduce another element important for the preaching ministry to balance the equate. That is none other than how to present your sermon effectively. It doesn’t matter how many hours you spent in preparation for your sermon unless the delivery of your sermon wasn’t effective. [Image Credit: Eli Cristman Used with permission from Dr. Arnold Lastinger’s Teaching Notes]

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