Parents today name their children after Peter (who doubted Christ three times), James (the greater and the younger), John, Andrew, Nathanael, Jude, Matthew, Philip, Simon (the Zealot) and even Thomas (who doubted Jesus’ resurrection) but not Judas Iscariot. Not even in their dreams. It’s the name of a treacherous man who betrayed Christ with a kiss, (Matthew 26:47-56) and the name of a man that was cursed by God, (Psalm 69:25)
As a child, he was probably brought up in a godly Jewish home for many years long before he became a disciple of Christ. He was an eyewitness to the miracles Jesus performed. He had the privilege of learning directly at the feet of his master. He was in the company of godly men and women 24/7. He walked with God himself! Then what made him the man that he was or what made him so sinister?
1. Judas gave Satan a foothold in Life
Read John 12:6 & Luke 22:3
A. Skeptics accuse God of manipulating Judas, (Let him play a role in the redemption plan and then condemn him eternally.)
B. While Jesus’ betrayal has been foretold in the Bible; it doesn’t mean that God intended Judas to do it. However, God was aware that Judas will do it.
C. God did not choose Judas but Satan did because the man fitted the profile of a suitable candidate to carry out the betrayal.
2. Judas focused on Earthly Things
Read Acts 1:6
A. He was a member of the Sicarii. It was a ring of assassins among Jewish rebels intent on driving the Romans out of Judea.
B. He believed that Jesus came to overthrow the Roman Empire and restore the Kingdom of Israel. He was disappointed when Jesus announced his death.
C. 30 pieces of silver was just a day’s wage. He could have betrayed Jesus for 3,000 pieces of silver instead. But he thought Jesus is a coward.
3. Judas rejected Jesus’ Salvation
Read John 13:26
A. Skeptics also say Judas could have changed his mind and repented had Jesus given him a second chance.
B. During a Jewish meal the host or master of the house would give the sop to the person to whom he wanted to show his greatest love and esteem.
C. By extending so much honor and love to Judas, Jesus gave him a chance to change his plans.
A. Don’t give the devil a Foothold:
We must not tolerate any form of sin (whether significant or insignificant) in our lives. Even the smallest sin, when tolerated makes us more vulnerable to temptations, (Song of Solomon 2:15)
B. Set your mind on the things above:
Stop seeking worldly solutions to your problems no matter how complicated or reasonable your needs might be. Don’t depend on your own strength either, (Colossians 3:2)
C. Accept Christ as the Savior:
You and I both are sinners and condemned to hell. But God has given you a second chance through Jesus Christ. If we accept him as the Lord and Savior he is faithful to forgive us, (John 3:16).
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