St. Valentine’s is a day on which the church talks a lot about God’s love for man. This Valentine’s however I want to talk about how we are supposed to love God and others. Here in the passage, I have chosen to preach from today a Lawyer (not an ordinary Jew) who intended to find fault with Jesus’ teachings asks him a question. It’s not a foolish question at all, because the Jews quite commonly drew distinctions among the laws of Scripture – great and small, light and heavy. Jesus’ answer was unexpected yet biblical and logical. What does this commandment mean?
Read Matthew 22:34-40
1. This Valentine’s Day we are to love God with our whole Selves
I. By engaging ourselves in everything that is pleasing to God, (Luke 10:42)
II. By being in a state of readiness to share in Jesus’ sufferings, (John 19:26)
III. By cultivating an attitude of heart that values God above everything, (Philippians 3:8)
2. This Valentine’s Day we are to love others as we love Ourselves
I. By obediently loving even our enemies and forgiving people who hurt us, (Genesis 45:5)
II. By doing unto others as we would have them do to us instead of giving them what they deserve, (Luke 6:31)
III. By rushing into the help of others whenever they need it, (Luke 10:25-37)
3. This Valentine’s Day remember the above fulfills the entire Law
I. The entire law is about relationships and without love they don’t last, (Exodus 20:1-17)
II. When our relationship with God isn’t right, relating to others also gets difficult, (John 12:4-6)
IV. A man who loves his neighbor doesn’t seek to harm him. Therefore love is fulfilling the law, (Romans 13:10)
The world has many definitions of love. But in God’s terms, it is the unselfish loyal, and benevolent concern for the good of another which he acted out when he died on a cross to earn us eternal life. Let’s celebrate his love this valentine and allow the same love to flow through us unto others.
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