In order to understand how to wait upon the Lord accurately, first, we must see what’s the purpose of using an Eagle to explain the act of waiting upon the Lord?
Legend says that an Eagle at the age of 30-50, flies to a high place and there it endures a harsh trial of endurance and change. It can’t fly because its feathers are overgrown. Therefore it plucks all the feathers from its body. It plucks its talons from its feet because the talons have grown curled and useless. Its beak has grown too long and curled. It breaks its beak against a rock. Defenseless, it cries out and waits for the time of renewal.
Other Eagles hear its cry, and come to aid. They fly overhead, scaring off predators, and they bring food to their incapacitated friend.
Second, what does it mean to wait? In Hebrew (qavah – kav-waw’) the figurative meaning of the word is “to bind together like a cord.” It doesn’t mean tying a cord around a bundle of sticks to keep them together. Instead, it’s the process of making a rope by twisting or weaving small strings together to form the rope. The more strands that are twisted or woven together in a rope, the greater its strength. The literal meaning of the word is “hope”.
Like it happens to Eagle God makes us to go through harsh trials of endurance and change. This is necessary to shape our Christian character and faith. In such times we need to unite with the Lord like strands of a rope by waiting upon Him. This unity renews our strength. So let’s learn how to wait upon Him?
1. Let God be your only hope
A. Jesus told the Paralytic, “Get up, pick up your mat and Go home” (Matthew 9:6) This man had only 2 possessions. The clothes he wore and the mat! In Jesus’ day, paralytics were left to begin the street. This was their only way of survival. The mat on which this man begged was his only hope.
B. He slept on it, rested on it, and watched the world pass by. He was ordered to put away that mat and to put his hope in Jesus.
C. Jehoshaphat’s prayer: (2 Chronicles 20:12) “Our eyes are set upon you.” God is our only hope: “My eyes are ever on the LORD, for only he will release my feet from the snare.” (Psalms 25:15). Have you kept your hope in someone or something other than God?
2. Be still and alone with God
A. Be still and know that I am the Lord, (Psalms 46:10). Elijah was discouraged. and stressed out. Sent his servant away. Walked to a cave in the holy mountain Sinai (by divine guidance).
B. Obviously God wanted to renew His weak servant’s strength, (1 Kings 19:1-9). God stirred up nature. Yet God wasn’t there in the windstorm, earthquake, or fire. Only in the stillness, (1 Kings 19:10-13).
C. Elijah’s strength to serve God was renewed after his fresh encounter with God. God’s renewing grace can be experienced only in isolation and stillness.
3. Submit to God’s sovereignty
A. Sovereign: Above or superior to all others/Supreme in power, rank, or authority. God works in His own time and way, (Isaiah 55:8-9).
B. His sovereignty is expressed in our life in the form of His will. However, God is not irresponsible. He always works all things towards a goal.
C. Do you know God is sovereign in your present situation? (Sickness, Financial issues, etc.) Do you know that God is working through your problems to work towards the Goal He has set for your life?
The very situation that you are facing right now could be a trial of endurance and change. God makes His children walk through such times because it’s the only way to prepare you to meet God’s plan for your life. To take away what is unnecessary, and shape up your character and attitudes.
But God never forsakes or leaves behind His children at these times of correction. He is with you because He wants to renew your strength at the end of the trial period. The 3 principles I provided in my message today show how to wait upon the Lord for divine renewal. Wait upon the Lord – and you will soar like an Eagle.
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