Spiritual Maturity is often a misunderstood and misinterpreted doctrine in the Church. I am not an expert on this either but want to share a few thoughts with you. In this post, we will learn what spiritual maturity is not, what is spiritual maturity, as well as the nine biblical signs of a spiritually mature person. It is my hope these thoughts will help you to mature spiritually and be fruitful for Christ.
What Spiritual Maturity is not?
Most people think knowledge of scripture is Spiritual Maturity. Although Knowledge of scripture is a requirement for spiritual growth it should not be confused for spiritual maturity itself.
What is real Spiritual Maturity?
Spiritual maturity is actually another term for Christ-likeness. The truly mature Christian is a person in whose character Christ-like qualities are evident, especially when dealing with difficult situations. Given below are a few well-known examples.
1. Mary (Jesus’ mother) – When the Angel Gabriel delivered God’s message to Mary, initially she was startled and confused. But in the end, she said “I am the servant of the Lord. Let this happen to me as you say!” (Luke 1:38)
2. Joseph (Jesus’ earthly father) – When Joseph found out that Mary is pregnant he planned in his mind to divorce her quietly. Later however he heeded Angel’s words. (Matthew 1:18-25)
3. Jehoram (King of Samaria) – Tore his clothes in despair, upon knowing that the king of Assyria wants him to heal Naaman. (2 Kings 5:7)
4. Simon Peter – Drew his sword and struck the high priest’s servant, cutting off his right ear. (John 18:10)
The 9 signs of Spiritual Maturity
We find nine signs of spiritual maturity in Galatians 5:22-23. These are known as Fruit of the Spirit. These characteristics were evident in the life and ministry of Christ.
1. Love – an unconditional commitment to the well-being of others. (John 3:16)
2. Joy – a divinely inspired condition that relies on God’s presence and his promises instead of happenings. (Philippians 4:4)
3. Peace – the state of divine assurance, freedom from worry and oppressive thoughts. (Isaiah 26:3)
4. Patience – slow to avenge wrongs. Does not misbehave in difficult situations out of rage and hatred. Long-suffering. (James 5:11)
5. Kindness – the eagerness to put others at ease. A sweet and attractive temperament that shows friendly regard. (John 4:1-26)
6. Goodness – selflessly opening one’s self to others and being generous to them although they don’t deserve it. (Luke 22:51)
7. Faithfulness – firm devotion to God, loyalty to others, responsible discharge of assigned duties. (Matthew 25:23)
8. Gentleness – humble non-threatening demeanor that derives from a position of strength and authority. (2 Corinthians 10:1)
9. Self-control – restrain one’s emotions, actions, and desires, and be in harmony with the will of God. (Luke 4:30)
Closing Remarks
A child takes many years to mature physically and emotionally. Likewise, Nobody can fully mature overnight. It’s rather a lifelong process. We cannot reach its fullness in this life either. But we help ourselves to become Christ-like, by obeying God’s instructions given to us in the Bible. (Matthew 7:24-27)
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